As of June 28th, I can say that I have a Heroic Warmaster Blackhorn kill
under my belt! This was actually Undying Resolution's second H
Blackhorn kill, but I was absent from their first. But hey, it's still
The kill itself was hard won. As Rebirther in the left hand corner of my UR states, I personally ate up 2/3 of our battle resurrections.
Twilight Barrage is no joke! Death #1 came from me eating the Barrage by myself while my health was low. Death #2 came from stacking with everyone else for
Twilight Onslaught while retaining the debuff from Barrage. Ouch! Nonetheless, I now know what
not to do in the future so I can an asset, rather than a floor board connoisseur.
July 1st was an "Old World" night. The main event was Icecrown Citadel
(10), which I'm sure survey would say that I am absolutely insane for
trekking back into ICC after assembling Shadowmourne. I say pshaw to that!
I didn't personally need any achievements other than
Neck Deep in Vile, but these days, I'm just happy to hang out with my guildies. :-) Several guildies got their
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquishers and I got to "off-tank" both Heroic Lady Deathwhisper and The Lich King, since I was the only Plate wearer in the group.
Lich King was actually one of the more
"OMG, yay!" things I've done
recently. I'm still scratching my head at how we were able to pull off
Been Waiting a Long Time for This with
my crappy Frosty aggro management, but it made me feel accomplished
that we did. Tanking, even in this silly DPS-form, is scary to me. I
don't like to disappoint, so I shy away from roles of leadership because
of the anxiety riding on that feeling of potentially letting down a group of
Ironically, I had no problems with healing for all the years that I did. *shrug* The human mind is a strange thing, indeed!
Since ICC doesn't take a full two hours, we did several other mini-raids to occupy ourselves. Since a chunk of us lacked the achievement, we went into Vault of Archavon to get
Earth, Wind, & Fire. It was a great success!
Vent led to reminiscing about Wrath and how this achievement was way too hard to obtain. I always feel a little sad when people share memories about expansions past because my ability to raid was so sporadic, due to bouncing from sever-to-server, guild-from-guild. Fiannah, my former healer, was only able to see Naxx and Trial of the Crusader before Cataclysm hit. Hell, Aesadonna didn't even step foot into any Wrath five-man dungeon while they were current content!
Those were dark days.
Considering that I also won anything I rolled on for transmog the entire night,
Venat teased me about my luckiness. I really
should have bought a lottery ticket that night, haha.